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Zakat Certificate

FESF is approved and eligible for Zakat by Zakat & Ushr Dept., Gov’t of Pakistan. All donations are tax exempted. Zakat donations are collected and utilized under the supervision of a three-member Shariah Advisory Committee in consultation with AlHamd Shariah Advisory Services PVT Ltd (SECP approved).

Legal Status

FESF is set up under the license from S.E.C.P. under section 42 of the Companies Act, 2017. Approved U/S 2 (36)(c) of the income Tax Ordinance 2001, read with I.T. rule of 2002. . Our accounts are audited by Deloitte Yousuf Adil. FESF has been awarded the UN ECOSOC Consultative status since 2014.

Tax Benefit

Donors can claim income tax credit on donation amount paid to FESF.